Golf evolution: from Ballesteros to Jon Rahm

As many other sports, golf has gone a long way through the past years. Not only on its looks remembering the moustaches and wide leg trousers of the 70’s players, but also more technical aspects of the game such as the ball, clubs or golf courses.

Also players and countries that have made it to the international rankings and podiums have changed. Severiano Ballesteros’ style is completely different to the one of Jon Rham,  both of them Spanish and world champions, but with nearly 40 years difference.

How has Golf involved?

Since the birth of golf in Scotland in XVI century golf has gone through many stages, and has conquered countries like France, England, Spain or the United States. Although currently, the most famous golf courses are found in other places such as: the Augusta National (Georgia), Royal Melbourne (Australia) or Valderrama (Spain).

Little by little, golf clubs and courses have multiplied and in the last decades of the 20th century, have experienced a great boom, with stars that popularized it with their personality such as Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Ben Hogan, or ex-NBA Michael Jordan.

The Spanish golf revolution was not only for its sports players

Ballesteros conquered the green, with its short game. You only needed to see how far he could send the ball; to understand that once near the flag,  something great was about to happen.

The feeling and love for this sport remains the same as it was then. Only other elements, technology and training aids have been incorporated, more precise and advanced according to the XXI century. The amount of skill, practice, dedication and knowledge of the game today by professionals its non comparable to any previous era. Its even worth highlighting the incorporation of meditation techniques that allow Jon Rahm to control his effusiveness and what has made him number one in the world.

But the authentic revolution of the countries that have opted for this sport has not only been for their athletes. The courses are no longer simple grass locations, but each hole and each field area is studied to the last detail. The market for golf balls is huge, and it adapts to the swing of each player.

Even now it is possible to contribute to caring for the environment, either from the Clubs: who can contract the service of divers to empty their lakes of balls, selling this resource for recycling; or playing with recycled or refurbished golf balls.

Golf is not just a sport, it is a sustainable industry, with a long journey.

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